
Under £15 Summer Must Haves


This summer sun is good while it's around and I thought I'd post my summer must haves before it rains again. It's now less than 1 month until I jet off and go on holiday and I'll be getting a few last things, as long as they're affordable! I thought I'd put together another affordable wishlist because I love inspiring myself, and hopefully my readers, to get a new season wardrobe, on a budget. 
As you can probably tell from my YouTube videos, I'm trying to make my niche 'affordable fashion'. I've just finished being a sixth form student, but my hours have been cut at work and I'm starting university in September, so I'm making the #skintlife be the best it can be! I'm including 3 of my favourite brands for affordable fashion: New Look, ASOS and Primark. 

Hope this give you some affordable summer inspo! 

klowey x 

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