How To Save Money When You're a Shopaholic
Tips on how you can save before you splurge...
How is it even possible to be a shopaholic when your in education and in a part time job? It's not really. I don't remember the last time my wage lasted me the whole month, sad, but true. I've shopped until I dropped over the past year but I have learnt a few things that have helped me save some money, but it's not really saving if you get something else, is it? Let's call it getting more for your money...
Somehow I manage to be saving money for driving lessons & my holidays coming up whilst still being able to make hauls for you to watch. So, in this post I'm going to share with you some tips on how save some money when you're shopping!
How is it even possible to be a shopaholic when your in education and in a part time job? It's not really. I don't remember the last time my wage lasted me the whole month, sad, but true. I've shopped until I dropped over the past year but I have learnt a few things that have helped me save some money, but it's not really saving if you get something else, is it? Let's call it getting more for your money...
Somehow I manage to be saving money for driving lessons & my holidays coming up whilst still being able to make hauls for you to watch. So, in this post I'm going to share with you some tips on how save some money when you're shopping!
1. Never buy full price.
I guess this depends on where you shop because some places offer more promotions/discounts than others but the places I shop always seem to have different promotions on.
Debenhams always have different promotions every week with the occasional spectacular (up to 25% off everything). If you have the impression that it's really expensive, have a look at their red herring department and you might find things you'd expect to see in places such as New Look.
New Look and ASOS have occasional 20% off for students and have various promotions every few weeks (e.g. 25% off shoes / bags).
River Island have occasional discount cards in magazines (such as Grazia and ELLE) as well as occasional 20% off for students.
I won't even start with online websites such as Boohoo, Missguided etc because their promotions are changing ALL the time. They do tend to have really good student discount though; Missguided currently has 25% off, Boohoo has 15% off and Pretty Little Thing also has 15% off.
New Look and ASOS have occasional 20% off for students and have various promotions every few weeks (e.g. 25% off shoes / bags).
River Island have occasional discount cards in magazines (such as Grazia and ELLE) as well as occasional 20% off for students.
I won't even start with online websites such as Boohoo, Missguided etc because their promotions are changing ALL the time. They do tend to have really good student discount though; Missguided currently has 25% off, Boohoo has 15% off and Pretty Little Thing also has 15% off.
(images from
You can find some budget buys in my under £15 spring must haves and my payday wishlist.
You can find some budget buys in my under £15 spring must haves and my payday wishlist.
2. Where you can, DIY it.
Especially now the transition of winter into spring is happening you should always consider how you can change up your clothes yourself for the new season. I'm hopefully going to be making a DIY blog post soon to give you some inspo as well as saving you money. I've already been cutting away at my clothes so hopefully it will be coming soon.
3. Know when to buy your clothes.
I said at the beginning my wage never lasts me a full month and this is really bad for shopping. From my experience, every shop decides to put their promotions on just before payday so I find myself lending money to get myself some discount. Everyone is skint at this point and shops need to get people to buy their clothes and they do this by, yep you guessed it, discounts and promotions. It really will save you money if you manage to make it through the month with your wage.
4. Plan it so you think twice.
Now that I have more to save for I'm planning what I'm buying throughout the month which has made me a lot more picky with my clothes. If you write down everything you want on a notepad with the prices, you can prioritise the clothes you want most and have another think, do I really need that top? Or can I find a cheaper alternative? Also look in your wardrobe and see where there are gaps and where there aren't, you might be buying something for the sake of it.
5. Do the boring budget thing.
This might sound like the worst thing in the world but like I said in point 3, you can get so many discounts towards the end of the month so planning your spends before hand will make sure you have some money left to take advantage of the sales. I tend to do a really unrealistic budget to stick to so that if I do go over my budget, it doesn't really matter that much.
Hopefully this gives you tips on buying clothes guiltlessly!
Klowey x