All the SS16 jackets perfect for the new season, for every different style plus all your need to know discounts. I've just recently posted my 10 spring wardrobe essentials on my YouTube and I thought this would be a good follow up post, talking jackets only. There are so many jackets I'm loving for the new season and here are my top 10 favourites for any kind of style.
Ever since I found my new style, I feel like loads of posts and videos just came into my head and I feel totally inspired right now, far from bloggers block. So after really feeling my new style and confidence in clothes I felt like making everything I buy/own, more 'me'. This is also such a perfect post if you want to get in on some of the new SS16 trends but don't have enough money to buy all new.
I'm feeling very spring inspired so be prepared for plenty of spring themed posts coming your way this month. It's not just my clothes that are getting a refresh, it's my bedroom too. If you haven't yet seen it, I did a New Look Homeware Haul on my YouTube channel (and everything is under £10!).
So here's 5 simple ideas to get your home ready for spring.
Tips on how you can save before you splurge...
How is it even possible to be a shopaholic when your in education and in a part time job? It's not really. I don't remember the last time my wage lasted me the whole month, sad, but true. I've shopped until I dropped over the past year but I have learnt a few things that have helped me save some money, but it's not really saving if you get something else, is it? Let's call it getting more for your money...
How is it even possible to be a shopaholic when your in education and in a part time job? It's not really. I don't remember the last time my wage lasted me the whole month, sad, but true. I've shopped until I dropped over the past year but I have learnt a few things that have helped me save some money, but it's not really saving if you get something else, is it? Let's call it getting more for your money...
For those who are on a budget, my under £15 must haves from New Look and ASOS will set you up for spring. I've already done a spring wishlist if you want to spend a little bit more but honestly most of them are around this price point because yep I'm on a budget too!