5 Tips For Staying Organised in 2016


Keeping on top of resolutions, sticking to goals & staying motivated in 2016! 
Much like my 'What I Got For Christmas' post, I was debating even putting a New Years post up, because I thought it wouldn't be very useful. Then I realised I'd learned a lot in 2015 about how to be organised whether it was with money or just general life stuff. I've had my blog for a year now (crazy) and I've stuck to a few of my resolutions I mentioned in 2015, more towards the end of the year if I'm honest, but I guess it's better than not sticking to them at all.
Hopefully these tips will help you (and me!) stay motivated in 2016. 

1. The most over used resolution of the year has to be 'get healthier' or 'go to the gym', mine was. Towards the end of the year I picked it up and got a gym membership and I've already been in the new year despite entering 2016 with a stupid cold. Finding enjoyment in fitness or dieting is what most people struggle with, because if you don't enjoy it then why should you bother? I now go to the gym with my boyfriend because it's good having someone there with you; the gym can be quite scary especially when you haven't got a clue how to work the machines! Plus you can challenge each other which is really good motivation that you don't get when you're by yourself.
I also discovered an app called 'myfitnesspal' which is good, even if you download it once, use it once and delete it. You can keep track of what you eat during a day plus what exercise you do and it lets you know if you're eating too many calories or carbs etc. Be honest when you use it, it can really open your eyes and help you decide whether you want that chocolate bar. 

2. Budgeting. One of my resolutions of 2015 was to save more rather than spend. I kind of failed on this one. Although towards the end of the year I managed to save a bit of money with the help of my birthday and Christmas and I'm entering 2016 with actual savings (yay!). 
The most simplest and easy way to budget your money is by using the notes app on your phone, because the majority of people carry their phone with them everywhere. I deduct the amount I want to save from my expected wage and start there, then I'm not tempted to spend any of my savings. I split my spends into sections and also have an 'extras' section for the things that crop up without you expecting them. Having something as simple as this might make you re-think when you buy something - do you really need it?

3. Set time frames. Have you ever said to yourself 'I'll do it tomorrow' and then when it comes to it, delay it a little bit more. I am so bad for this and that's why I set days for my blog posts. Having an end goal or time frame really helps when you want to get something done. Whether it's blogging, uni/college deadlines or generic things like 'get a hair cut', having a deadline for something will motivate you to actually get it done. Getting things done earlier than you need to will make you feel so much more organised and at ease too. There's less of a need to stress. 
4. Have a refresh. Sometimes having a re-think and a refresh is all you need. One thing I refreshed in 2015 was my room, out with the pink and blue colour theme and in with white and grey, white furniture and gold accessories. Changing the colour and adding organised storage for my small room really helped the 'refresh' and (of course) my Instagram photos. 
With blogging, you can't hold onto a post for too long otherwise it starts to lack quality and become a pain to even create. I was going to start 2016 with a haul video from the sales but it was 2 weeks after I decided and it wasn't nearly done so I just decided to refresh and start again, hence this post. This post was so easy to write, I know I made the right decision.  
5. Do what you love, love what you do. My favourite tip of the post. If you don't enjoy it, and you don't need to do it then don't! Anything you're doing which is worthless and unenjoyable is taking up the time that you could be spending on something actually worth your time (like going to the gym, no excuses!). I saw a post which quoted 'happiness is not a destination, it's a journey'. I am generally a pretty happy person and I think this quote is 100% true. You can't keep waiting around for something to make you happy in life (such as future plans) you've got to be happy right now.
You don't have to be 100% organised with everything and have a schedule everyday because no one can help the things that might crop up and affect you and your life. But, being more organised, doing the things you love, taking some time to refresh, being happy with who you are and what you look like will help you be a much happier you in 2016! I hope you all have a good year. 

See you in my next post,
klowey x 

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